A little to the left and we get this view. I know, i've been posting a lot of pictures from the same place but last time i took some photos was last sunday and because i like them all you would have to see them until the end.
Modern church airborning to the sky, the sky is blue but last days have been pure winter, i just have photos from last weekend thanks to my lack of time:S Have a nice weekend.
This is not exactly what i wanted for today but i got very impressed by the number of pigeons and waists, in tram lines. In Batalha square pigeons trace the sky and the floor!. Sorry but today i changed persons by a hundred of pigeons.
In fact i was thinking in this short movie, one of my favourites, please see it!
Now look at what other DP bloggers choose for today.
Hello, my name is Nuno Gonçalves and since i was born in 1975 i never tought one day i would be living in Porto but that happened in 2000 when i moved here to finish my studies and start working as software developer.
Sometimes the unexpected is good and this was the case because i assume before living here i didn't know how intense and great is to live on this historical city with a 1,000-year history.
Meanwhile I have married, have a lovely daughter and settled downtown with no plans to move out. Since i'm not native my interest by Porto history has been always present from the 1st day i move, now is even more interesting because of this blog i pay more attention with some details that are now converted to big issues.
The idea of starting PortoDailyPhoto was at the moment i look at LondonDailyPhoto by Ham and found it a great way share my long walks and use my compact camera, i'm a complete amateur who have bought a small camera just to take some pictures to my family and now i take shots of everything and sometimes i remember my family!