-Hello! I'm Mr. Normal mail (red fellow)
-Hello! I'm Mr. Blue mail (blue fellow)
Mr. Normal mail: - I deliver the usual mail, one or two days after swallowing a letter his destiny is reached.
Mr. Blue mail: - Ha! Ha! Ha! Wrong Mr. normal, i was created to guarantee the delivery after one day because you couldn't do that!
Mr. Normal mail: - You stupid box! Your letters are more expensive then mine and once inserted in your digestive system there is no guarantee of one day deliver!
Mr. Blue mail: - But i'm prettiest, i'm blue, i'm younger then you and my letters have a nice blue stamp! You Normal freak one!
Mr. Normal mail: - I don't have that but my letters are faster then yours and cheaper!
Mr. Blue mail: - Baaahhhhh! Sniiff! Sniiiffff! Baaahhhhh! I want to be a better service!
Mr. Normal mail: - Please take this blue can from my side and create pink mail, i need a lady!