Here they are, the evil machines that cause so many troubles to people. But with only 0,60€/hour you are free, it's a low cost compared with other cities(i hope no one in the city council read this post) among the fact we have one big problem with parking space and too many cars after a join to the mix with selfish people we have an explosive result. The result is double parking, sidewalk parking and caos sometimes with pedestrians having to walk on street. One thing that really annoys me is sidewalk parking and worst is people think it is normal and have the reason on their side. Another funny fact is the chance of your car being sorted with a ticket is much bigger if don't pay the park then double park or park in the sidewalk!
And now i'm going to rest a while of critics to city council, until tomorrow;)
ps:if your are in the group that think i'm wrong i can tell you i walk a lot and feel happy not to prejudicate others life!
And now i'm going to rest a while of critics to city council, until tomorrow;)
ps:if your are in the group that think i'm wrong i can tell you i walk a lot and feel happy not to prejudicate others life!