This blog has been real fun to me, i don't feel tied or having a lack of ideas so here i am on my 100st post and with a sea of photos to bring. To celebrate i changed my template, i'm waiting for your opinion.
Hello, my name is Nuno Gonçalves and since i was born in 1975 i never tought one day i would be living in Porto but that happened in 2000 when i moved here to finish my studies and start working as software developer.
Sometimes the unexpected is good and this was the case because i assume before living here i didn't know how intense and great is to live on this historical city with a 1,000-year history.
Meanwhile I have married, have a lovely daughter and settled downtown with no plans to move out. Since i'm not native my interest by Porto history has been always present from the 1st day i move, now is even more interesting because of this blog i pay more attention with some details that are now converted to big issues.
The idea of starting PortoDailyPhoto was at the moment i look at LondonDailyPhoto by Ham and found it a great way share my long walks and use my compact camera, i'm a complete amateur who have bought a small camera just to take some pictures to my family and now i take shots of everything and sometimes i remember my family!